
Welcome 2009!

I can feel it...this is the year of beginnings! I hope I'm right because I have high expectations for this year. 2008 wasn't bad, but it seemed very blah and monotonous. I guess that should probably be good, no dramatic sadness or anything, but there was also no excellent high either. So, that said, here are a few reasons I think '09 will be a year of beginnings.

#1: May 5th--Yep, not only is this the well-known Mexican holiday for eating fattening Mexican food and washing it all down with yummy Margaritas...this year 5-5-09 will mark my 30th birthday. Most people do not look forward to their 30th...particularly women. However, I'm stoked about being 30 (and I'm really not just telling myself that to make me feel better!) My 20s were great; an era of self discovery and all that, but now I have a good sense of me and what makes me feel good and I think 30 is going to be a great year and a great beginning of adulthood.

#2: House for Sale--In our New Year's Day/Scott's b'day festivities yesterday, I got the answer to a question I've been wanting to ask for several months now. If everything goes right, we will be fixing Scott's house up and putting on the market in 2009. This is huge! Scott and I have been dating for 2 years now and are both really tired of paying 2 households worth of bills. I have my fingers crossed that '09 will be the beginning of our cohabitation and steps toward everything else a single 30 year old woman wants (ie. husband, house, ?kids?)

#3: Settled at work--So I've been with QTS for 4 months now (officially today). I don't know everything about the industry because there is still so much to learn, but I have a better grasp on my role with the company and how to do it best. I truly think that this year will be the beginning of a great career for me. This position allows me to meet so many people and build relationships with them. Even if I'm not in the staffing industry for the rest of my life, I think the people I meet and know will be a huge help in my future.

#4: Bible study--In the year of beginnings, this is a big one for me and should probably be #1, but I'm not moving it now. Several people here at work participate in a Bible study on Monday nights. This Monday, I am going to join them...with the intention of participating at least twice per month. I'm beginning this instead of going to church for 2 reasons. First, in '08, my New Year's resolution was to go to church....I didn't go, not even for Easter or Christmas. Second, I'm already comfortable with most of these people and I'd like to find out where they go to church...then I can build into it, because church is one of those things I want to look forward to on Sunday morning, not hit the snooze as if it were work. So, I'm looking at Bible study as the beginning of my adult walk with God.

All in all, I think this year is going to be great! I can't control the economy and I can't control politicians, but my little world is full of possibilities!


Temple said...

2009 will rock! :) And I understand the two household thing...Matt and I are ready for the market to balance out a little so we can consolidate too